Thursday, July 23, 2009

Slip out the back Jack...

I felt a little badly leaving the pub earlyish on the last day of work, but I had to before it became a late night that saw me doing my first camp out in the pub parking lot. I got home only to spend the rest of the night preparing for the motley crew that showed up early the next morning to get me moved. Jeff, Pernell, and Rick showed up to do the heavy stuff and Selena and Leslie removed all evidence that anyone had ever been in the house. With only my travel stuff spread out on the floor it almost looked like a scene from a Bourne movie... laptop, GPS, clothing, gear, whiskey... After a couple of follow up days around the house I headed north on the bike to Rick and Sue's. The weather is hot!!! Ignoring my score, it was a perfect day for the front 9 @ the Athabasca golf course. Tomorrow should be a great day for water skiing!