Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Feeling the Blues in Astoria

I had only planned on staying the night, taking a day ride, and then heading out, but I found myself staying in Astoria right through the weekend. My first day staying at the Fort Stevens State Park was spent trying to get my damn fridge to cool less than ambient minus 3 degrees on gas (piece if chit!), repairing my mountain bike and establishing camp… not too exciting. After the bike repairs I pedaled down to the Fort Stevens military museum, down to the wreck of the ‘Peter Iredale’, and then back to camp.

After breakfast the next morning I did a 200km loop from Astoria east via Jewel, Mist, Vernonia, and then into Cannon Beach for lunch. The road had some great twisty sections but the asphalt was quite poor in a lot of sections. My greatest discovery is when I picked up the local ‘West Coast Entertainment Weekly’ paper (or whatever) and found there was a ‘Blues by the Sea’ festival happening on Friday and Saturday at the Clatsop fairgrounds. I bought myself a weekend pass, did my laundry, shaved, showered, and showed up. What an awesome time! I purchased the pass the day before but they didn’t have the tickets with them, so they promised to remember me the next day. I thought I would have to do a song and dance but I was meet with an eager ‘Hey, you’re Brian Cole right? We have your pass here!’ I felt like a movie star! We had a few laughs and then I breezed in. I quickly realized that I had the start time screwed up and I was there way too early. They grounds were still being setup and it was pretty quite so I decided to go for a run. I returned later in the day to find the place buzzing and the bands rockin! Everyone knew everyone and I somehow found myself sitting with Craig and Inka by their hippy van (a van with some stories I am sure!). A fella (and event organizer as it turns out) that goes by the stage name ‘Honey Bucket’ (it’s kinda of a nasty, but funny, story behind the name) from the opening act shows up and it was a good thing it was early, because I wasn’t going anywhere soon! I thanked them and then moved into the crowd of partiers swaying to the music. The next thing you know ‘Hey, I am Dave, this Mike and Anthony. Would you like a beer! And here, have a sandwich!’ I declined the sandwich and I gladly accepted the beer. These guys were a magnet to everyone around them. They introduced me to everyone within 5 meters of them and then we partied with everyone all weekend! We partied with the bands, we meet the promoters, we partied with their friends, a couple from Israel… people from all over! Jody and the girls wanted to dance and the music was perfect for it. What could I do… I got into the groove! The show at the fairgrounds shut down at some time (I am not sure of the time actually) and then we headed downtown for a jam session at the ‘Astoria Events Center’ and it was just as crazy! I was riding, so I wasn’t drinking, but it felt like I was high all night. Maybe it was the coffee but I don’t think so! By the end of the night I had drunk about 5 cups of the stuff but I saw later that about 2 of those got spilled all over my shirt. They are advantages to drinking tequila but that will have to wait until tomorrow! The bar shut down around 3:00 a.m. and half way back to camp it started to pour. I rode in the rain and was absolutely soaked by the time I got back to camp a mere 10 minutes later. It felt good! I was glad that I wasn’t getting into a tent!

Heading down the next day I thought ‘How can I possibly top a night like last night?’ As it turned out it was like the first night didn’t really end and it just flowed into Saturday. The bands were amazing and it seemed like everyone came back with an even crazier attitude! I had discovered a shuttle to town from the night before so I brought a sack of beer that paled in comparison to what the crew from Virginia showed up with. Anthony was good enough to get us to the Jam session safely. We got to dance on a level dance floor for a few more hours before I caught a cab back to camp. I woke up early the next morning, picked up the bike, and took an early walking tour of towns waterfront before we all meet up for breakfast and a final farewell and exchange of contact information. I slipped out before noon and went for some Tillamook ice cream, watched some surfing, and set up a ½ camp (left the roof down and the gear in the Thule) in Pacific City so I could make some miles the next morning. I didn’t get very far… South Beach actually. My neighbors brought me a couple of Dungeness crabs tonight and here I am. Crab, rib steak, roasted peppers, baked potatoes with onion and good ol’ Canadian whiskey rounded off my evening. I have planned a day ride tomorrow and will head out the day after. It seems like my 2 day plans are taking 3-5 days to complete. I think that’s a good thing…