Sunday, July 12, 2009

4 Men on Bikes!

Pernell, Jeff, Kyle, and myself set off on what I consider the inaugural trip of my travelling adventure with a motorcycle tour on 3 BMW's and a Honda that went as far south as Cresent City California. We put the youngest kid on the fastest bike and tore up the pavement in B.C., Washington, Oregon, and even one in Northern California. We went south from Vernon on the West Side Rd. to Kelowna. From Kelowna we took the 93 via the 'Cassey Camp', Osoyoos and finally to Winthrop for the night. We were lucky to get a meal as the neat old town was shut down by 9:30. I am tired. More later... It's later... We went from Winthrop to Seattle and stayed on the ocean front. We aren't all of legal age so we had a relatively early night... honest! From Seattle we went to Cannon Beach via an awesome highway over the mountain to Cannon Beach where we arrived for the 4th of July. Peter... go on this road with a sport bike! From Cannon Beach we travelled down the Oregon coast on 101 to Coos Bay. From there Kyle and Jeff hit the dunes in buggies and Pernell and I continued down the coast to the Redwood National Park in Northern California. The plan was to unite at Crater Lake but due to communication issues we missed each other by 300 km's and a full day. We all met up in Yakima after a long days ride. Crater Lake was very impressive, very blue, very deep, very steep cliffs on the side of the road! Oh yeah... no speeding tickets yet... Jeff took the lead on the way home through Washington and bam... red and blues... the cop says 'There was not one bike doing less than 86 and one was doing 94... do you have any idea what the speed limit is?" My GPS has a speed limit display in km/hr so I quickly answered "96!" I could see it in his body language... "Ahh, Canadians, I'm to tired."... he says "You know the lecture... Slow down!" He let us go! Jeff actually did slow down all the way to the county line. It was impressive to see! From the line we hauled ass all the way to Creston B.C. The next day Pernell split off to the Columbia ice fields, Jeff and Kyle stayed in Cochrane before heading north on 22, and I stayed in Calgary before returning to Edmonton on Friday July 10th. In all we travelled about 5000 km in 11 days. It's time for an oil change. I think I wore the rear tire by no more than 40%. The bike ran like a top but the GPS gave me grief with untimely resets. 2 hard stops for deer, saw 1 huge black bear, 0 traffic or criminal violations, 0 sightings of hot chicks on bikes, o hang overs. My assignment for next trip is to correlate between hang-overs and sightings of hot chicks on bikes.

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