Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's damn hot!

Well here I am on the malecon in La Paz, circa de Cabo San lucas en la noche de Viernas (close to Cabo on a Friday night) listening to dude play guitar while I type away. I should be dancing instead, but this is really nice all the same. I couldn’t find a camp ground nor a hotel in my budget where I can park my unit so I think I will work on my blog until late and then find something to do before I sneak into a quite spot I saw earlier for the night. Wow, that’s a good margarita…

The last week plus a bit has been awesome. The weather, despite a threat of a hurricane, has been hot and dry. I hit the coast on the sea of Cortes in the Bahia de Los Angeles and had a perfect spot all to myself. I think I may have sun-burned my bum while I was there. I was camped right on the beach. There was a perfect sunrise, dolphins in the bay, pelicans fishing everywhere, and a stack of firewood for my own, and it all cost me nada!

I stayed there for a couple of days until my ice and groceries ran out and moved on to Playa Santipac about 400 km south.
It was just like when I was just there before with the same little bar, and again the beach camping was perfect. I met a nice couple (Arno and Ali) from Germany who are travelling from Alaska to Chile on their motorbikes and a fella (Anthony) from New York who was cooling his jets until his riding partner showed up to continue a bike trip together. We shared stories, cigars, and whiskey around the fire and agreed to keep in contact. As all of our itineraries are quite similar, our paths may cross again. I hope they do! Again,

I only stayed a couple of nights before coming here via Loreto where I stopped for cake, coffee, and a quick check for emails. Loreto has really improved since we were last there. While it was nice then, there was a lot of construction. It looks like everything is complete with new cobblestone streets and a major facelift throughout. Without a doubt it is the nicest town I have seen in Baja so far, hands down, bar none. If I was looking for place in Baja I would seriously consider Loreto. It was too romantic of a place to be alone so I left and came here. La Paz has a ‘Carlos and Charlie’s’, a Wal-Mart, Home Hardware, and even an Applebees. Hey Kayleigh, maybe you can get a transfer????

Hey, this margarita is good too! Anyhow, I have passed no less than 8 military check points. At one point I was handcuffed while 2 guys put the boots to me. Ha, just kidding, they have been very friendly and I feel very, very safe… in reality, the blood soaked murderous drug cartel heard I am in the country so they decided it was best to just shut down business for a while. And just so you know; as soon as I arrived in the south the hurricane went to sea with its tail between its legs too!

I have done it again… It is now the 28th and I didn’t get connected to download to the blog. That’s ok; I didn’t move the van to that ‘quite spot in La Paz’ either. I just slipped into the van at 4:00 in the a.m. after the music stopped and the party goers started from home. I partied less than 100 meters from where I parked and I could watch the van all night. I made friends with security at the door and they kept 1/3 of an eye on it too!

I’ll tell you about Cabo (or tell you most of it) once I have left the place… I'll be heading over to the mainland and to Copper Canyon within the next couple of days.

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